Sunday, May 6, 2007

Movie Review: "Little Children"

So, my husband and I rented this movie and watched it over the weekend. "Little Children" starred Kate Winslet and Jennifer Connely, plus some other guys that are of little importance to me. The movie is about a lonely housewife/mother who finds friendship and connection with a lonely stay-at-home-dad. They meet up with their children at the local park, where other stay-at-home-moms gossip about everyone. Kate Winslet's character, quiet and homely-looking, is the first to talk to the cute stay-at-home-dad. They become close friends, which leads to...other things. There's sex, nudity, and Kate Winslet's very dark nipples (whoa!). The story is narrated like you're reading a book, which is the part I found most amusing. There's some freaky stuff, like Kate Winslet's husband doing some dirty things with an online sex bomb....quite hilarious! Also, there's a newly released child molester who moves into his mother's house, in a neighborhood filled with children. It will make you think twice about taking your kids to a public pool. That was really creepy...but it's not most of the movie. Usually when I watch a movie, my husband will ask what I thought of it. The typical response is, "It was alright." This time my response was, "I liked it" with a smile ;o) I don't typically go for independent films, and I don't know for sure if this was one (I've never heard of it before), but I really liked this move. I got hooked from the very beginning. If you want to see what lonely husbands and wives do at home, go to your local library, er, video store, and check this out!

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