Friday, August 10, 2007

Book 2

You read correctly...I have read yet another book! That makes 2 books in a year, so far! Those of you who think this is no biggie...I don't read books. I have hated reading books since I was a child and had to read for assignments, and even then I never read. I got by, quite well, on friends and note-taking.

Well, the book I just finished is called Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, 406 pages long. Now I need to find another book to read. I'm on a roll!!!


DM said...

Read Stephen King's "The Stand".
1106 pages and a great read right up until the end. I used to read it every year. Somehow, nothing ever changed.

Bill said...

I am a fan of the mind fuck books. Here are some suggestions:

Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Neuromancer - Charles Gibson
Dune - Frank Herbert

Each of these books test your reading , comprehension and memory. You usually have to read them twice to really understand


The Spare said...

Thanks guys for the great suggestions. I'll let you know what I end up getting.

Anonymous said...

I've read around 15 normal sized books (400+ pages) so far this year.

Good Books:
1) (BEST!) The Time Traveler's Wife (I was so sad when the book ended. It was my life while I was reading it.)

2) Book series by Daniel Silva (the last 7 with the Gabriel Allon character)

3) The Templar Legacy by Steve Berry

4) World War Z by Max Brooks