Why is it that when you've lost weight, people seem alright pointing it out, asking you if you're ok..."are you eating?", "are you doing drugs?", "are you anorexic/bulemic?" Yet, when you're gaining weight, no one
dares to say, "DANG! You've put on some weight!", "Whoa, you're filling out there!", "Perhaps you should wire your mouth shut you fat cow!"
So, to answer everyone's most popular question...I eat. I eat probably 5 times a day, depending on how busy I am. I eat breakfast, morning snack, lunch and usually afternoon snack. Then I eat dinner at home, and maybe even a bedtime snack. I don't throw up, because my pretty smile costs about $30,000, and I'm not about to throw all of that effort away on vomit. I don't starve myself, because food tastes too good. I'm not snorting coke, smoking crack or shooting heroine. You can see some chest bones because I have small breasts (which I'd love NOT to have). I have recently taken on a very demanding management position at work, so perhaps it's stress. But yes, I am eating. I'm trying to eat healthy (yogurt & granola for breakfast, lots of veggies at lunch & dinner, etc), but my house is also quite fond of ice cream and cheap Totino's pizza :o)
I am
not under weight according to my height. The height/weight ratio chart I looked at at
http://www.informationcorner.com/recipehtwt.asp indicates that for a woman who is 5'9" tall, such as myself, healthy weight can range anywhere from 129 for a small frame to 170 for a large frame. Ladies and gentlemen, I weigh, as of 5:50 pm on 9/6/07, 133.0 lbs (on my at home scale, not a doctor's scale). My BMI is 19.64, which is in the healthy range of 18.5-24.9. So, I appreciate the concern; I have not lost anymore weight, nor am I trying to.