Monday, June 18, 2007

So, I was instructed to post something new, by someone who doesn't have the nerve to even say who they are. Hmmm...interesting...

Well, I haven't really had anything positive to post, so I'll just tell you a COMPLETELY MADE UP STORY where those being described are COMPLETELY FICTIONAL.

You know that uneasy, queasy, flip-floppy feeling you get in your stomach when something's wrong? You can't eat and you constantly feel sick, even though there's no food to puke. That's the feeling I've been living with for the past two weeks. It's actually nice....there's been some weight loss :o) And me being skinnier will only piss off big fat bitches even more ;o)!!!

I want to speak to those of you who live in a world filled with your own lies. A world that you think you control with your lies. A world where everyone is your puppet. I personally don't live in that world, but I'm familiar with it's inhabitants. It's a strange place, where people think they are so strong, but really they are sad and weak. They make themselves out to be victims of heinous (although made up) crimes. They belittle, bully, threaten, blackmail and blame blame blame. They blame shit on you that OBVIOUSLY you had no control over. They point out everything you've done wrong (again, made up), and how nice a person they are to tolerate you. The sad reality is that everything they have put upon you is EXACTLY what they have done themselves, only SO MUCH WORSE! People that live in this world take no blame for anything. No accountability WHATSOEVER! Their life is shit...blame it on someone else! It's not my fault I'm fat. It's not my fault I'm single. It's not my fault people think I'm a bitch. I'm a perfect angel!

I hate you! I hate people like you! I wish people like you could be packed away and shipped straight to hell where you can live with people just like yourself! You're nothing but a mean, heartless bullying BITCH! You have nothing going for you, and you never will. I hope you grow into a lonely old spinster surrounded by your stupid shit-in-the-house dogs and do nothing but eat! I hope someone ties you up, just like in the movie "Seven", and forces you to eat until you explode!


DM said...

I totally feel the same way.

The Spare said...

Do you know her too?