Thursday, September 11, 2008


That I absolutely could not put down! This book, which is 498 pages long, had me so incredibly engaged that I read it in 2 days!!!!! I got the book Tuesday and just finished it today. I have finally found my genre...teenage vampire love! :o) I have fallen into the Twilight bandwagon hard! It was so was SO GOOD!!! It was a serious page-turner; the last book with that many pages took me a year to read. Twilight is by Stephanie Meyer. She's written 4 books in this series so far (I'm getting the second one tomorrow). A huge majority of my staff is/has read them, and parents who have seen me reading it have commented that they did, or their husband is reading it. There's supposed to be a movie coming out in November, but it won't be nearly as good as the book...although I hope :o)

The book is about a teenage girl who goes to live with her father up north in this cloudy, rainy town. Then she meets this guy, Edward, who's creepy at first, but she can't help but become completely obsessed with him. Then he with her, but he's a vampire and she's a human...the drama, the turmoil, the inner battles!!

(Sigh) was just really really good!


penners said...

You're too funny.

Kim waited up to get the last book the day it came out. She read (all of it I think) before going to bed that night.

The Spare said...

IT'S THAT GOOD!!!!!!! You've got to read them so you can join our girls night to see the movie. It won't be as good, but we can fantasize about vampire love just the same :o)


I am always looking for books like that! The kind of book that you can't put down. so! is it really good? not like the Harry Potter books?. I don't like Harry Potter books, they are not that interesting. Although, Claudia thinks they are the best! So I will be going into maternity leave,( I just finish a book Theresa recommened and it was very intersting and ggod), and I would like to have a book to read while I'm home breastfeeding! so you really really really! think is good?

rp said...

Stacie is addicted to those books.

Bill said...

Vampires are 'Undead Lite'. If you really want a book that will show you how totally unprepared for a TRUE Undead uprising, then read World War Z by Max Brooks. You will never look at the world the same again.

Theresa said...

Glad you're finding books that you can really get into!

The Spare said...

Undead light, hu? The author is supposed to write Edward (the vampire's) version of "Twilight". Can't WAIT!!!

I don't know if i'm quite ready to see "Undead hardcore"'s like porn...only softcore :o)

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Ohh I remember now. You were the one that mention the book Twilight. I put it on my list to read it. I bought it right before the movie came out. I absolutely loved the book. Then I was waiting for the movie to come out. Well, thanks for recomemding that book. I guest I am a fanatic!