Friday, December 14, 2007

WE WON!!!!!

Oh my gosh...the nerves. Our nerves were so bad. My heart was pounding so hard against my chest the entire time!!! So basically, evil ex was trying to either take away my husband's visitation rights, or have supervised visitation. The ruling...more visitation!!!! The lies she told on the stand were ridiculous, and luckily she's hot-tempered, so our lawyer was able to make her look like shit. I'm really glad our lawyer was ours, because he goes after things! He attacks :o) When he asked her for specific reasons as to why she wanted to take away his rights, the only reasons stated were that he was exhibiting "erratic behavior" like towards the end of their marriage, and she was concerned for the child's safety because sometimes she has tantrums about coming over. Our lawyer asked if the child ever had tantrums while in her possession, she said yes, so then he asked, "So, since she has tantrums with you, we should take away your rights, hu?". He made her look so bad!!! What's better, is that one of the claims was that my husband is bi-polar (which he isn't and has never been diagnosed so; he's epileptic and has had 1 seizure 3 years ago). Our lawyer was asking her, "so, where did you get your medical degree? none? oh, so when did you get your pharmaceutical degree? none? so you're basing these claims on what?" So then ex's father, who is a pharmacist, and a big fan of my husband, got on the stand, he said that the medication in question, which is also used as a bi-polar medication, is first and foremost most popularly prescribed as an anti-seizure medication! That was great!!!!

So the final verdict, we get her first, third and fifth weekends of the month from Thursday through Sunday at 6:00 pm. We will alternate a week for Thanksgiving and Christmas, depending on even and odd numbered years. We get her for 1 month during the summer, and every other spring break, depending on even and odd numbered years. We get her father's day weekend and from 6:00-8:00 pm on her birthday, if it is not already our weekend. No supervision required :o)!!!!!!! It's so nice to see my husband happy and smiling again :o) That's the best part! So now it's......


DM said...

rub your butts together like at the end of the video!!!


GC said...

Congratulations!!! It looks like your hubby's not the only one happy :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you all!!!!I knew it would work out in your favour. Happy happy thoughts:)